What is KiteKey Institute?

KiteKey Institute (KKI) is a research fellowship focused on 

evidence-based public policy.

How Does KKI Design its Public Policy?

KiteKey Institute begins its public policy process by clearly defining the target problem or opportunity. KKI then looks across both history and the globe for direct and analogous experience related to the target. This experience is distilled through KKI’s unique filtering process to determine if enough information exists to address the problem or opportunity, or if more research is needed. Any knowledge deficits are clearly identified, and careful experiments are proposed to fill gaps.

Implemented policies are then tracked for efficacy, with feedback becoming grist for the mill in future policy decisions. 

This approach assures that KKI efficiently mines the aggregate of human knowledge to find what works, and what does not, in solving civic problems and capturing societal opportunities. Costly human experience is not wasted, and research is focused where it is needed most. 

Why Evidence-Based Policy?

Time, money, and other resources are precious, and it is important that government use them as efficiently and effectively as possible. American government should only be engaged in evidence-based, proven public policies, and not those based upon specious narratives and ideologies. Time wasted on unfounded policies is progress delayed, and suffering prolonged, as the world marches by.

Why Should I Donate to KKI?

If you would like to see your tax dollars — and your charitable donation dollars — used efficiently as possible, then please support the KiteKey Institute. No longer will government be mismanaged by hit-and-miss policies.

KKI will work tirelessly to ensure that only the proven best ideas are advanced as public policy and legislation, and will hold our elected officials accountable to evidence-based governance.

A New Prometheus

On a stormy day in 1752, Benjamin Franklin raised a kite, with a key attached to its string, into a tumultuous sky. The kite collected static electricity from the surrounding air, and the key produced an electric spark when Franklin placed his knuckle near it. With this simple experiment, Franklin proved what we now know for certain, that lightning is electricity. 

This spark of knowledge electrified the scientific community at the time, and eventually contributed to the harnessing of electricity that animates every aspect of our modern life. With his kite and his key, Franklin became a next-generation Prometheus, bringing heavenly fire, Zeus’ actual lightning bolts, to humankind. 

On a stormy day in 1752, Benjamin Franklin raised a kite, with a key attached to its string, into a tumultuous sky. The kite collected static electricity from the surrounding air, and the key produced an electric spark when Franklin placed his knuckle near it. With this simple experiment, Franklin proved what we now know for certain, that lightning is electricity. 

This spark of knowledge electrified the scientific community at the time, and eventually contributed to the harnessing of electricity that animates every aspect of our modern life. With his kite and his key, Franklin became a next-generation Prometheus, bringing heavenly fire, Zeus’ actual lightning bolts, to humankind. 

At the KiteKey Institute we celebrate this spirit of scientific investigation, and take our name and our inspiration from Franklin’s famous experiment. We lift our kite of inquiry daily into the turbulent heavens of our times, and look for sparks of insight into the world’s greatest problems. 

If you share this passion for the pursuit of knowledge to solve humanity’s biggest challenges, then we invite you to join us by supporting the KiteKey Institute. Help spread the warmth and light of knowledge’s fire. Become a modern-day Benjamin “Prometheus” Franklin. Please donate generously to the KiteKey Institute.

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